Scrub Pro Uniforms has been in business for over 20 years with several brick and mortar stores across the mid-Atlantic. They branched out into the e-commerce space several years ago, so they already had a strong online presence. This was a merchant we'd done some consultation with in the past, so when they were ready to take on a bigger project we were pretty familiar with the brand and the store itself.
Problems to Solve
Scrub Pro's online store was already well established, but they were looking to make some sitewide upgrades that would enhance their visuals, improve UX, and allow them the ability to begin offering customized bundles and sets.
Premium Theme
Before even beginning the project, the merchant had decided on the Expanse Theme by Archetype Themes, which is a great theme for heavy mobile traffic, promotions, and upsells.
We took a multi-pronged approach to this project because not everything needed to be built from the ground up. Since the merchant had chosen a theme with a lot of native features and were already using some necessary apps, we were able to build on these in some instances.
They were also using some apps that they found either difficult to work with or too costly for what they did, which gave us an opportunity to build those features directly into the theme - allowing them to get rid of paid apps.
The solutions were broken down into the following categories:
- Custom development to include new features
- Extension of theme features
- Extension of app features
- Custom development to modify sections in order to eliminate apps
Our Favorite Customizations
Over the course of 2 months, we were able to help Scrub Pro revamp their site. While this list isn't all-encompassing, here are some our favorite aspects of this project.
1. Color Names + Show More/Show Less on Color Filters:
In this particular niche, shopping by color is critical because hospitals/doctor's offices usually have a required scrub color for certain departments. Because of this reason, the merchant offers a lot of color choices. This can become particularly overwhelming, especially on mobile, because the color list would take up a great deal of the screen view.
For this custom development feature, we added the name of the color under the swatches and gave the user the ability to control the amount they were viewing at one time.

2. Product Flags
The Expanse Theme already offered a product 'flag' feature natively, but we decided to modify the flag location to increase visibility. Additionally, we were able to extend this theme feature by giving the ability to the merchant to use additional unique product flags with custom colors.

3. Bundle Linking
Custom Bundles and Sets had been on this merchant's long standing wishlist and it was something they really wanted to incorporate in this round. We recommended the FoxSell app because of its ability to sync with inventory and its offering of mix and match bundles. The merchant loved this app, but still wanted to add the ability to link to pant sizes of an alternative length. This is a feature we were able to accomplish by adding some customizations to the app's existing functionality.

4. Theme Customizations + App Removal
The merchant made some additional requests that included creating a free shipping threshold bar directly within the theme and giving them the ability to add add custom content to collection pages - both things that would allow them stop paying for an app. Additionally, they wanted the ability to change the text in the accompanying products section of the cart page.

These are some of our favorite features of the project, but this isn't even close to everything we accomplished with Scrub Pro! To see their updated site, visit