When the wonderful team at Greenery Market reached out to us about a theme upgrade and re-design, they were already a well-established brand in the artificial floral space with a few years of running a successful online store under their belt.Their site had served them well for years, but as they grew they found that their current set up just wasn't able to meet the needs of their team and their customers. They had several pain points, but knew what they wanted to address immediately:
- They wanted a site that could provide a good user experience for their customers and wanted to do so in a way that could scale with growth - all without using unnecessary apps and page builders
- They wanted to display unique content for products and collections, with options like specific color palettes and unique product information
- They wanted to maintain certain functionality on their current site, but wanted to do it in a way that was easier for their team to manage
Premium Theme
After a lot of research, the team settled on the Impulse Theme by Archetype Themes. This theme offered most of the features they were after, such as a mega menu, mobile first features, and powerful visual story-telling capabilities. As we worked more in the theme, we discovered it had some smaller native features, such as the 'low in stock' notification on the PDP and the direct message with the e-gift card, that would allow them to move off of an app for these features.
Our Favorite Customizations
Even with the robust features that the theme offered, there were still customizations needed that were very specific to this customer base.

3. Back In Stock/Coming Soon Notifications: This store has A LOT of SKU's and is constantly moving product in and out. They have great communication with their customers and wanted not only a way to let them know when a product was back in stock, but wanted a unique button to let them know that a certain collection or product was coming soon. Since they were already using Klaviyo, we implemented these changes and set up a flow. This also allowed them to get rid of another paid app that they were using to serve this purpose.

4. Unique Color Filters: Color theory is a big deal in this world, and customers are well educated about color family and tints and shades of each color. The Greenery Market team wanted a way to allow customers to filter by color family and tints and shades with color swatches for both as a visual aid. We utilized fun color wheel images for certain swatches and allowed for a traditional color swatch for pure colors.

While we only covered our favorite customizations here, we made a lot of other changes to the site. To check it out, visit Greenery Market's site at